5 Property Defects You Shouldn’t Overlook When Buying Investment Property in Metro Detroit

5 Property Defects You Shouldn't Overlook When Buying Investment Property in Metro Detroit

Real estate investing done right can be a rewarding experience and lead to a retirement living on your terms through financial freedom. In addition, real estate investments allow you to build wealth and generate passive income. While you may be familiar with the phrase “location, location, location” in real estate, when you purchase an investment property, knowing what to look for is essential to avoid falling into a proverbial money pit. 

Inspecting investment properties is a great responsibility that real estate investors should not take lightly. Unfortunately, far too many beginner investors have gotten a good feeling about a property and invested emotionally. For all but a lucky few of these impulsive real estate investors, a sinking feeling likely followed when a hidden problem came to light during an emergency call from tenants at 3:00 am.

Real estate investments can provide security when the cost of living rises because rental rates tend to keep pace with inflation. However, as with every investment, there are risks, so it’s vital to the success of your real estate investment portfolio that you understand the importance of researching, assessing, and inspecting an investment property. So don’t let these five property defects go unnoticed when buying investment property in Metro Detroit.


Structural issues with the foundation, roof, and walls are the first property defects to check for if you don’t want your hard-earned investment dollars falling through the cracks or defective drywall when buying investment property in Metro Detroit. The professional investors at Pinnell Enterprises, LLC are local investors who’ve built a strong network of providers to swiftly and efficiently evaluate investment property in Metro Detroit.

Health and Safety

Hazards to health from environmental elements such as radon or lead paint on the walls are other property defects you should look for when buying investment property in Metro Detroit

Professional investors understand the importance of comprehensive property inspections. The professional investors at Pinnell Enterprises, LLC want to help you protect yourself and your future tenants from the fallout of these potential risks.


Water can cause severe damage and encourages mold growth; both are costly property defects you don’t want to miss when buying investment property in Metro Detroit. Instead, professional investors like those at Pinnell Enterprises, LLC aim to mitigate risk and help you earn the highest potential in investment returns. Investors need to do their due diligence to help avoid preventable consequences, like making unexpected repairs for damage to your tenants’ property or lawsuits. Pinnell Enterprises, LLC can help you spot glaring red flags that less experienced eyes may overlook.

Electrical and Plumbing

There can be problems with wiring, pipes and fixtures, which are property defects you want to be sure you catch when buying investment property in Metro Detroit. Professional inspectors have the expertise to differentiate between those properties you should walk away from and those with high return potential. In addition, the professional investors at Pinnell Enterprises, LLC and their local network of highly skilled tradespeople understand the work and time involved in buying and rehabbing investment properties, all working in unison with the mindset of an investor to save you time and money.


Another property defect you don’t want to miss inspecting when buying investment property in Metro Detroit is pests such as termites, rodents, or insects. Pinnell Enterprises, LLC can help you evaluate your investments as you learn the ropes of the real estate investment business and the key signs to watch out for when looking at investment properties. In addition, the professional investors at Pinnell Enterprises, LLC are local investors passionate about helping others succeed.

The Professional Investors at Pinnell Enterprises, LLC

From identifying properties with defects you can’t overlook to properties with potential, the professional investors at Pinnell Enterprises, LLC can make it easier for investors like you to succeed. The professional investors at Pinnell Enterprises, LLC have it all together and are ready to help you start today. 📲(734) 245-9654 or sign up for a free 15 minute zoom consultation with Bill Pinnell at https://www.wildbillpinnell.com/to explore your options.

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